
iKON- The Best Tracking Device with a SMART BUTTON

Tired of wasting time looking for your valuables? Effortlessly find everything with iKON

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sat Oct 29 '16 Announcement
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 07:17:46 PM

                                             Survey + Next Steps +Shipping


Thank you for making our project a reality! A few things need to happen before we can kick off fulfillment, at the end of mass production. 

Here's a quick rundown:

First, like you already know, we've received the funds from Indiegogo and we've made all necessary payments to our manufacturers, which means there will be no delay once our final machine mould is completely done and tested. 

Second, we have to find out your iKONs colour selections and confirm where we need to ship them. We will send out a BackerKit survey to collect this information. 

We will give you a heads-up before we send the survey so that you can watch for it. You will not need to create a BackerKit account to answer your survey. The invitation email will contain a link to your personal survey. It is important to submit your responses as quickly as you can since we need this information to process your rewards.     

If you need to change your survey responses, add or remove add-ons, or update your shipping information, you can click on the link in your survey email again or request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page. (This page will only start working after we send the surveys out.)

If you prefer, you can just message me and give me your information, but answering your survey will help us get your rewards out to you quicker. BackerKit helps us save lots of time by streamlining the survey process, automating data organization, and providing us with pledge management software to make it easy to process your pledge reward shipments.

If you used Facebook to log into your Indiegogo account, the BackerKit survey link will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you'd prefer to use, please message me.

It will take between 5 to 13 days for you to receive your orders at the delivery addresses you provided us. Kindly let us know if you will prefer express shipping, with 3 to 5 days delivery time. If yes, kindly write YES on the comment section of our campaign page. 

Again, thanks for all your support. We can’t wait to send you your iKONs

Team iKON.

Wed Oct 26 '16 Announcement
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 09:44:30 AM

          *****Amateur Video: iKON App Test Run*******

Dear Backers

We hope you are all having a glorious day and winning!

As aforementioned, developing the Android application is the most challenging part of the software development segment of our project, once the Android application (SDK/APK) is 100% completed and tested, it will take us just about 5 to 7 days to get the iOS application fully developed. 

As promised from our last update, here is a test run video of the iKON application, this is just to let you see what it looks like and what to expect once its fully ready. Apologies for the quality of the video, I had to take the footage with my phone as I wanted to make sure that the video is posted today as promised (Kindly bear with us). 


We are sending out surveys via backerkit on Friday (28th of October). Kindly look out for the surveys and fill them out as soon as you can. This will help us confirm your shipping details and forward them to the shipping company, as they are requesting for your shipping information. 

 We will continue to keep posted. Should in case you have questions, do not hesitate to leave them in the comment section of our campaign page on Indiegogo, so that other backers can benefit from the questions and answers. 

Finally, a friend rang me and said, "Dayo, you should be proud of what you guys have achieved" and I said NO, we are am not proud, We don't have that kind of word in our dictionary, we are only GRATEFUL and we will forever be to our backers.

We are thanking you again for your awesome and powerful support. We are truly GRATEFUL for the love you've shown us. 

Much love, 

From us at iKON.  (-_-)... 


Mon Oct 24 '16 Announcement
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 08:18:53 AM

Dear Backers, 

We have lots of awesome and incredible news lined up to share with you. 

We successfully received funds from Indiegogo couple of days ago and we've made all necessary payments to our manufacturers . 

2) The Tracker
Finally, the water proof casing was successfully fabricated and the manual version (The master and original model) was also successfully manufactured (yey!!!) and its currently going through some rigorous testing.  See the image below: 

Now that the manual version is fully ready, we are now manufacturing the final version/s with the machines. The final version that is being made by the machines will be cleaner, neater and very slick, we are sure you will love them. They should be ready in 4 to 5 days time and we will share the photos with you shortly.

3) Final iKON Application: 

The good news here is that we’ve just completed the most difficult part of the entire application and software development, which is the Android SDK. We have being testing the Android APP now and its looks very simple, slick and inviting. I personally love the interface and I am sure you will love it too, its very easy to manoeuvre and I have shown it to couple of friends and they fell in love with it immediately, I will be sharing the application test video with you in couple of days, Wednesday hopefully. 

4) Timeline: 

a) Our final applications should be ready by the first week of November and we will have lots of time to test run them and fix any bugs that might show up. 

b) The mass production should be ready by the half of November, since we need to test them and make sure they pass all the stress and quality assurance tests. 

Finally, we truly want to rush the trackers manufacturing process in order to get them into your hands as soon as possible, hopefully by the end of November, but it is also very important for us to consider the quality of these devices, as we must make sure you get the best of them. Just as we all know, it is nearly impossible to improve or enhance any already shipped hardware product/s. So we must take some cautions and make sure we only ship out great quality iKONs to you.

Again, our sincerest thank you to you all. We will forever be thanking you for believing in us and helping us make our dream come true. We will also crest your names on our website forever.  

Much love, 

Team iKON.


Just by the side, we will also be unveiling your free magnetic chargers very soon and they are highly strong, effective and efficient.

Mon Oct 3 '16 Announcement
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 04:08:29 AM


Hello Backers, 

Wow wow wow wow wow.. Where should we start from? We don’t even know, because our mouth is opened and we cannot close it!!! Hmm, well that is because of your support, as this message is typed and sent, our mouth is still wide opened. 

We wish we can send you hugs via internet. Will keep this very short. We just want to SPECIALLY THANK YOU ALL for your amazing support!!!

We did it and we got over times 4 of our original campaign GOAL. We wont be here now, without you. 

Finally, we think we should be able to still be able to send you all a free Magnetic Chargers, so finger crossed. We will keep you posted and let you know sometime soon, hopefully before the end of October. Why? because you all deserves it and its one of the ways we can appreciate your super love for us and our project. 

Once more thank you and kindly leave us a comment should in case you have any question. 

Now we will focus on manufacturing, developing, production, testing and fulfilment!!!

Looking forward to serving you all always!!!

Keep shinning, singing and winning!!!


iKON Team. 






Sun Oct 2 '16 Announcement
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 08:30:53 PM



Dear Backers, 

Our live campaign is ending in the next 4 hours, wow wow. We’ve truly come a very long way and we wouldn’t have gotten this far without you. 

With sincerity, we truly would love to show our gratitudes to you all, our wonderful and number 1 supporters, by making sure you all get a FREE MAGNETIC CHARGER

We had a look into our campaign algorithm and we discovered that our campaign trended because of the colour comments that our backers made on the campaign page and this exposed our campaign to more potential backers, which then resulted in increase goal percentage. 

Therefore, in order to get to 450%, we need more sales and we completely understand that you don’t need more iKONs, as you’ve already purchased all the quantities you require. 

In order to get to the 450% we need more activities on our campaign page, kindly jump onto iKON campaign page on Indiegogo and make a comment in the comment section of our campaign with the colour of your choice, even if you can’t remember your order number, we will help figure that out. This will not only give more exposure to our campaign, but also help us with production. Imagine what will happen if we have 200 people comment within an hour. We are just about $3,260 short of our 450% goal and we can do this together!!!

Finally, there is another one powerful thing we can do, if all our backers can click on the BACK IT button and pledge $1 each, this will also increase the activities impact on our campaign. Imagine the amount of exposure we can get within this short period of time, if 300 pledged $1 each within an hour. 

We will also refund the $1 back to everyone at the end of our campaign, so you can rest assured that the $1 will be back into your account. 

Thank you very much for your time and for continuous support. 


Much LOVE, 

iKON Team.