
iKON- The Best Tracking Device with a SMART BUTTON

Tired of wasting time looking for your valuables? Effortlessly find everything with iKON

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Jun 9 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 09, 2017 at 06:36:39 AM


Greetings everyone, 

Here is a quick update to let you know that the packaging of iKON is progressing greatly and smoothly. 
We had to perform "Ultrasound" on every single one of the iKONs before we could pack and assemble them. As you can see in the images below, all the iKONs are now crested with certifications... 


Secondly, there has been some great improvements with our iKON applications (both iOS and Android App). 
We are truly pleased with the progress so far and it wont be long till you receive your iKONs and able to download our applications.

We will get the inventory sent to our fulfilment centre in Hong Kong as soon as they are all fully packed, as we've already mass produced all iKONs required to fulfil all Indiegogo orders.

I will appreciate if everyone could read my updates, rather than asking me questions that have already provided answers for in one of the updates.

Also I will appreciate if backers can kindly stop trying to download the iKON applications, they are not available for download yet and I will let you know once they are ready. 
Kindly stop sending me questions and stop asking why the application is not working yet etc. 
I will let you know once the applications are available for download. 

Thank you very much for your support and time.

Team VOLTA. 

Sun Jun 4 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Sun, Jun 04, 2017 at 10:19:10 AM

 iKON iOS App Updated

Greetings everyone,

We've updated our iOS application and here is a video I made for you: 


Things are moving greatly. Assembling is almost done and we should be able to start shipment next week, if the week after.

Now, I can take some well deserved rest. I am now very much satisfied with present state of iKON project. iKON is going to break records, the same way VOLTA is currently breaking records. 

Click here to visit the VOLTA IGG page to see the screenshot of our customers review.

That is all for today, thank you very much for your support.

Much love,

Team iKON.

Tue May 30 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 30, 2017 at 03:02:22 AM

Quick Update:

Greetings everyone, 

I hope you had a great start to the new week. I will make this quick and short.

Just wanted to let you know that we've successfully completed the manufacturing of the iKONs and we are now about to package them into their individual packaging boxes, will let you know once this is done. 

The iOS and Android applications are almost ready and will be released shortly, below is a video where I tested an iKON tracker with the iKON application. I also demonstrated how easy is it to open the iKON battery lid/cover. I will strongly advise that you read your iKON manual before operating the device.


Thank you very much for your support.

Much love,



Check out this project that we love: 

AirVolt charging smartphones from radio waves

AirVolt is the first radio wave charger with the radius of operation of up to 9 meters.

Sun May 21 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Sun, May 21, 2017 at 05:12:11 AM


Happy Sunday, 

I hope you are all doing really great and had a fantastic weekend. 

I will go straight to the point. 
I believe I had mentioned before, that I would rather refund your money than to send you incompetent iKONs.
It is our goal to make sure we perfect all our trackers, because we must make each shot count and we must not let you down. We know you will be making use of these trackers for a very long time, so it is very important we deliver into your hands a very high quality iKON. 

Based on some personal analysis and researches that I have made, I found out that people complained a lot about, Tile, and TrackR Bravo's distance and instability of their Android application etc (especially TrackR bravo's android app).
I knew we had to make sure that the Android users of iKON, have a great experience with our iKON Android application. 

We have greatly improved our system, both the hardware and the software and we're finally ready to let loose of all the iKONs to all our backers and we can then focus on marketing these great product, that we've built with great love and care. Here is a video we've made specially for you of test our iKON Android app, with the aim to show you that we were very serious, when we said you can track your items with iKON Tracker for up to 70 meter...

I know you all want to know the ETA of the 2nd batch of the iKONs and also when you can download our fully functional application. 
We will be pushing out all the 2nd batch of the iKONs by the end of this month.
I am sincerely sorry for all the delays, the certification process had to be done and I had to make sure, it was fixed once and for all. I am happy we've fixed that and there is nothing to worry about and you will all receive your iKONs shortly. It is very important that we perfect every inch of this project. 

To all those annoyed with my updates on VOLTA. I apologies, I was never intended to annoy anyone. 

Finally, I will appreciate if you can send me an email should in case you genuinely need help with anything and stop posting false alarms on the campaign comment section, I literarily responds to emails instantly.  

For those that have received their iKONs, kindly read the manual before operating the device, all you need to know is on the manual, I have done my best to make everything simple and accessible. 

For now, I will get back to work, as I don't have weekends off. 

Thank you very much for your support.

Much love,


Tue May 9 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 12:31:54 AM


I have received emails from some of iKON backers, asking me to re-open the secret perk offer, as some backers were unable to take part in the offers as a result of differences in time zone. 

I strongly believe it will be good to give them a fair opportunity.
 So again to show our sincere gratitude. Here is a link to a secret perk just for you to get a VOLTA Pack (1 Volta cable + 2x your choice of tips) for just $15 with FREE SHIPPING.  


The image below shows you where the secret perk is once you click the link above:

Again, you will have to act fast to get on these special discounted VOLTA pack, because there just 20 spots available and it's first come first serve and I am only going to leave it open for couple of hours ONLY, before disabling the link. 

Thank you very much. 

My best always,
